Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Rue Writers and Commenting

Today we visited Mrs. Yollis' blog to learn how to leave quality comments. We learned that comments should:
1. Compliment the writer in a specific way.
2. Add new information.
3. Make a connection.
4. End with a question.
5. Be proofread.
Thanks to Mrs. Yollis and her students for teaching us how to leave superb comments. To learn more about blogging, you can visit their class blog at http://yollisclassblog.blogspot.com/2013/04/video-benefits-of-blogging.html.

When we were finished we practiced our commenting skills on our friends' blog posts at www.ruewriters.blogspot.com. Here are some of the comments we left:

  • "I liked how you gave me examples of different horses. Keep it up. Is there a kind of horse that is mean?" Colton
  • "Hi Colton you give us great reasons about why dogs need exercise so I will get a dog and give him some exercise just like you say so thanks for giving us great reasons dogs need exercise." David 3rd Grade Iowa

Great start students!

Here is a response we got back from Mrs. Yollis:

Dear Mrs. Crain and class,

I am so pleased that you were able to use our video to help you learn about commenting! That always makes me smile when I learn that we helped some other bloggers.

What is the most difficult part about commenting for you?

I hope you always follow Panda's advice and proofread before you publish!

Happy Blogging!

Mrs. Y♥llis


  1. Dear Mrs. Crain and class,

    I am so pleased that you were able to use our video to help you learn about commenting! That always makes me smile when I learn that we helped some other bloggers.

    What is the most difficult part about commenting for you?

    I hope you always follow Panda's advice and proofread before you publish!

    Happy Blogging!

    Mrs. Y♥llis

  2. Dear Mrs. Yollis,
    We think the most difficult part about commenting is making sure that our written message is exactly what we wanted to say.

    Mrs. Crain
